
Computer Ethics

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Computer Ethics

Module 1 Case

Cindy is a student from a prestigious university. They were given a case scenario on which they are ask to raise their opinion based on the ethical principles discussed in their ethics class. Cindy was so resourceful that she found quite good opinions and explanations from the internet. Consequently she simply copy- pasted and the online-material. She submitted her output with minor edits on the contents. As the result, her professor was so impressed by her work.

As a moral agent, what is your judgment on Cindy’s conduct? Support your position using any of the definition of ethics discussed in this module
Module 2 Case

Jake bought licensed computer software at MouseNBrowse. Because of the high price he paid for the purchase of the software, Jake thought of reproducing copies of it to be sold to friends and acquaintances. Jake knew he would be violating the law. Nevertheless, he executed his plan and sold pirated software.

Comment on this situation with each of the four types of laws in mind. To what extent does each of the four types of law apply in this case
Module 3 - Preliminary Theories

Discuss how adherents of ethical egoism / altruism would analyze the following situation. Support your answers
  1. Fiel designed a computer software that would make detection of enemy codes easier
  2. Mona plans to buy licensed software in the US using royalties from the sales of her book on computer ethics and donate the software to her alma mater
  3. Francele wants to create a virus that affect only linux O.S.
  4. Lilian debugged a secret code of NBI and sabotage the whole system as form of revenge for what she considers NBI violation of her human rights
  5. Jhong contracted Benson to design the web site of a government agency at the cost of 1million and added free consultancy service

Module 4 - Final Theories

Which do you think seems to predominate in the world of computing as you know it? Support your answer by giving an example

Module 5 - Moral Problems

Which do you think is the most pervasive moral problem today especially in computing. Support your answer and cite some examples.
Module 6 - Commandments in Computing

Discuss whether the following adhere or don't adhere to any of the commandments in computing.

1. Pornography on the net
2. Spamming
3. Hacking
4. Sending chain letter emails(such as prayer and novena)

Modules 7
Computer Abuses
- Choose one example of computer abuse and discuss why you consider it morally wrong using any of the ethical principles you have learned in the previous modules

- Search the internet for new materials/innovation/service which you consider an abuse in computing. Support your discussion using ethical principles discussed earlier
Module 8
Privacy Issues
- Think of an act, other than those already discussed in the module that would constitute a violation of privacy in computing. Explain


Module 9

Choose one of the social issues in computing discussed and find out to what extent it is an issue in the Philippines. Find out what is being done to address it in specific countries. For example, in the case of the digital due to language differences, Soriano reports the adoption of the"unicode standard", a character coding system designed to support the worldwide interchange, processing, and display of the wirtten texts of the diverse languages of the modern world". furthermore, evaluate, what will be your role in address the social issue you have chosen.
Module 10

Discuss one of the issues taken up from the point of view of the preliminary and finalist theories (3 preliminary theories and 3 finalist theries). That is, you will come up with six perspectives on the issue you choose.

Module 11

Explain why or why not the court rulings for the 4 given cases agree with theories discussed previously.

Module 12

From the cases exemplified, explain what constitues a computer crime.

Module 13

1. Are you in favor of the enactment and enforcement of laws that will regulate and control the use of computer technology? Explain your answer.

2. If you were to decide the case of Landmark Hacking, what will be you judgement? Support your answer.

My Op!nioN....
   Module 1 Case
     As one of the definition of ethics which is the study of the morality of human action, i can say that what Cindy did was an unethical one because what he did is an act of plagiarism and as a definition a plagiarism is using others’ ideas and words without clearly acknowledging the source of that information(http://www.indiana.edu/~wts/pamphlets/plagiarism.shtml).
     So, i can say that Cindy submitted an output which was a plagiarized one because it was not her own work she easily copy and pasted it from the internet. She doesnt even exerts effort of thinking about the case scenario and even if it impressed her professor, still it is useless in my own sense coz what really matters is the reality.
   Module 2 Case

Divine Law

     As we all knew, divine law pertains to the entire system of faultlessness and perfection that God has initiated to govern the whole of creation, both living and non-living and it encompasses and governs not only human action but the whole universe as well. So, with this definition, Jake violated this particular law because he already knew that what he will do is unethical one because it is an act of piracy and we all knew that piracy here in our country is prohibited but Jake still do it. So, I can conclude that Jake violated the divine law although he could help his friends and acquaintances because he sold it cheaper than the licensed one but he did it in a erroneous way.

Natural Law

   For me, the given case doesn't violates this particular law because as the definition it is an unwritten law permeating and governing nature as a rational harmony and orderly pattern of different things and events without which the latter would be reduces to chaos and disarray. So, what Jake was doing is a piracy and as we can observed today piracy is widely spread here in our country and we all knew that this act is not merely a legal one but still people were adopting it, maybe the reason is obviously cheaper than the licensed one especially that we were facing crisis nowadays, so people must be practical and that what Jake did to be able to help his friends and acquaintances saved money.

Moral Law

   Case 2 is considered as one of a computer crimes and abuses, so it violates this law until it will be condemned. Moral law consists of moral norms that ascertain and dictate what sort of behavior or conduct may or may not be expressed. So back to the given situation, Jake must not do it supposedly because piracy which is a human action is not a virtuous conduct, it seems that he is a person without good moral, he did not respect the company who were selling a licensed computer software because he pirate their software and Jake doesn’t even think the integrity made by the company who creates computer program and he easily pirate it.

Physical Law

   Based on the given case, it doesn’t violate the law because physical law is characterized by regularity and imperativeness. Piracy nowadays are becoming operative and its efficacy remains constants and unbreakable and as we can observed today, even though there were already campaign against piracy and even a lot of raids were made still piracy exists. So, like what Jake did even though he knew that what he did was already violating the law but still he executed his plan and sold a pirated software and we cannot prevent Jake from doing it because there is a way of pursuing his plan which is doing a piracy.


   Module 3 - Preliminary Theories

      1.  Egoist side:
            When we talk about the egoistic side about the given case, what might Fiel prevented from doing what he did is might be: his fear that people might suspected him that he is one of the enemies because he can easily identify an enemy codes and people might think that he is too boastful doing it and most especially enemies might get angry with him.
          Altruist side:
          Talking about this side with regards to the given case, what might Fiel makes an altruistic one is that he will help other people to easily detect an enemy codes and also in order to minimize some of the unpleasant doings with regards to the computer programs.
   2.   Egoist side:
          My stand about the case is that Mona might think that he will prevent doing it for the purpose of what others might think about her, maybe people will say that she is too boastful or people might say that she is wasting her money for buying that software instead of donating her budget for that software to our country because we were facing crisis today and also if that software is useless it doesn't work with what OS that his alma mater adopting because US is highly advanced in technology.
       Altruist side:
         With this side, Mona might want to donate a licensed software to his alma mater for the purpose of adopting a licensed software especially that here in our country piracy is widely spread and also to help her alma mater to have more facilities and also not to be ignorant with some of the US software.
  3.  Egoist side:
        Francele might prevent from doing what he might be, because he might think that people say that he is not a good person or a programmer because of all he could program he chose a virus and most of all it can affect the linux OS, also linux company might file him a case.
        Altruist side:
       The altruistic side in this case is that Francele might help the Windows company from any competition.
  4.Egoist side:
       What might prevented Lilian from doing what she might be is that maybe the NBI will discover what she did and file a case against her eventhough she has a reason for doing it and also she will might loss any job opportunities because if other companies know what she did from the NBI programs, maybe they will never hire Lilian to work in their company and most of all she will destruct her own dignity.
      Altruist side:
       For me, the only alguistic side in this case i can think of is that Lilian will just want to make NBI realize that what they've done is bad and also to prevent them from doing to other people.
  5. Egoist side:
       Benson might not accept the contract for the ff. reasons: he might have insufficient time for it, he's work is not worth 1 million and the gov't might doesn't pay him as what they have agreed.
     Altruist side:
      Benson might accept the contract because he could help the government to have a website and he could serve for them.
  Module 4 - Final Theories
         For me, i think that Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics also referred as the Virtue Ethics will predominate in the world of computing because as what Aristotle observed that the different ends of human beings can be classified into three: instrumental, final, and supreme and he argued that there are ends that are used only as means for attaining other ends. So, as a human i agree with this statement because based on experienced and observations being a human, we have a lot of desires or wants in life and we want to fulfill it and once this particular desire is fulfilled this would create or lead to another wants coz we can't denied the fact that human want satisfaction.
   e.g  Cellular phones nowadays are highy in trends even kids have it. So, as a human we have also desires to have a cellular phone and we have to find ways for having it, once this desire is fulfilled it will create then to another wants like for example money coz we have to load it, we have to buy accessories for it like casing and others in order to look it nice. So, satisfaction doesn't end here coz technology is fast evolving.

Module 5
For me, i think that the most pervasive moral problem today especially in computing is the Problem of the scope of Morality because as an individual we have a difficulty in determining which among our choices are moral and which are not, so, as what I have observed in our society today people do whatever they want they did not even think what might be the possible outcome of their decision, they did not even realize that what they have done is an immoral one its because individuals usually do what we they might think is good. So, as a human it is very important to know the scope of morality so that we can determine if it is included or not and for us not to destroy the morality of other people.
Example: During enrollment, for every process students fall in line but there were other students who directly go to the person assigned for that specific process its because they were friends, classmates or whatever. So, for the student's side its ok coz they knew each other but in reality its unfair they did not even think the effort being exerted or made by the other students and they did not even take breakfast/lunch in order to fall in line earlier than the other enrolles. So, as a student he/she should know the scope of morality, think first before doing an action and also be considerate to others.
Module 6
1. Pornography on the net , it doesn't adhere its because it is stated in #5 of the commandments that Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness and we all knew that internet can spread untruth as fast as it can spread truth. Putting out 'pornographic pictures" to the world is bad its bacause everyone of us can access the web and pornographic pictures highly influenced the web users especially to the younger ones.
2. Spamming, it doesn't adhere its because in the commandments it is stated that Thou shalt not interfere with other people's computer work. Spamming is just disrupting other people’s computer work and if we put ourselves as one who is being spammed so, it can feel irritated especially if we are doing important things like for example i am doing my laboratory exercise and one of my classmates were sending useless messages through net send so, it doesn't feel good in my side coz im doing something important.
3. Hacking, based in my knowing about hacking, hacking ccan be good or bad, it actually depend upon what you are doing like for example you are preventing numerous spread of viruses so you have to hack a computer program to avoid any disastrous effect, so in this case hacking is not bad but with the case of destroying other files,computer programs or whatever, hacking is bad. So,for me, it depends upon what you are doing if you hack for good then it doesn't violate the ten commandments else you hack for any bad effect well, it is obviously violating the commandments.
4. Sending chain letter emails(such as prayer and novena), for me, with regards to this doing, it depends upon the religious faith of the reader because as a human we can feel concience especially if we talk/read about prayer/novenas, especially if it is stated there that if we will not forward it to others there will be a badluck or something happens or whatever bad effects. So, as a reader we have to forward it coz were afraid to whatever bad effects of it. So, if i have to base the ten commandments, i can say that it depends because even if it is stated that Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness, we didn't know if the said bad effects will be true if we ignore the message so, to be safe i have to forward it.
For the altruist evaluation:
      If im the altruist, with regards to pornography well, we cannot control the emotions of a person so if its their pleasure looking a pornographic images or visiting a pornographics sites so go on its as good as doing any other unwanted moves like for example rape.... In hacking, well, if its their habit to hack then we cannot control them maybe its one of their technique to discover other things which they might apply for the good of others.

Module 7 
Computer Abuses
   - One example i can give is doing multi-tasking, i can say that this kind of work is one of the computer abuses which is under the classification denial of service because a computer has a maximum capacity to handle different tasks, for example a user wants to open different websites and what she/he does is open and open many internet browsers coz she/he is very eager to get into the website that she/he want, so, the computer confused what will be the first task it has to do and this might cause the computer to hang-up. So, based from the previous ethical principles i've learned, more specifically on moral problems, we must know the scope of morality, we have to consider if our moves should be included or not and making sure of it that we cannot hurt/destroy anything. Like the given example above, the user must first know if the computer she/he used has a greater capacity or high speed which can handle many different tasks before doing multi-tasking in order to prevent the computer from any interruptions and also in order to achieve what we want.
 - one example i can give about new service which can be considered as an abuse in computing is a chat. Well, chatting is one way of making individuals to communicate with each other but why i considered it as an abuse in computing is that people used it in an inappropriate ways, some use chatting as a sort of doing "pambabastos" to others and most especially through chatting many people were fool, they will be victimized by false information. Other example is friendster and myspace they serve as a medium for connecting people but many people abuse it. They use it as a means of broadcasting information obtained from another individual that the individual reasonably expects to be confidential or making phony information about an innocent people.    
Module 8
Programs and data privacy
  -   Only the programmer or the data owner or any other authorized person can accessed the programs or data in order to prevent from any modifications which might lead to destruction or any possible problems. Like for example, the data being gathered which will be used for the system being developed was also given to another system developer who secretly develop the same system having the purpose of competing the other one. So, this is a violation against programs and data privacy because it is unethical to give the data to the competitor especially that she/he develop it secretly or with no proper permission or proof to use the data.

Module 9
Among the social issues being discussed, I've chose about the Internet Access for those with physical disabilities. This is one issue in the Philippines because as what i have observed here in our country, people easily judge based on what they see or what they heard about that person, most especially if she/he see that a person has a physical disability. We can't denied the fact that Filipinos has an attitude of discriminating other people, but in reality this should be avoided, for example in the world of computing, there were  computer masters who has a physical disability but as smart as those without pysical disability, so, no matter what physical disability a person has we should not easily discriminate them and avoid them from accessing the internet because HE created us equally.
What is being done to address to a specific country(Phillipines):        As stated in Section 255 and Section 251(a)(2) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, require manufacturers of telecommunications equipment and providers of telecommunications services to ensure that such equipment and services are accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities, if readily achievable. These amendments ensure that people with disabilities will have access to a broad range of products and services such as telephones, cell phones, pagers, call-waiting, and operator services, that were often inaccessible to many users with disabilities (http://www.usdoj.gov/crt/ada/cguide.htm#anchor63109)
Module 10
An issue i can think of is about pornography on the web.
   From the three preliminary theories:
      -- Ethical Relativism
             People posted pornographic pictures on the web maybe its because they think that what they do is morally right, maybe its a way of expressing their happiness but in others point of view what they do is morally wrong because everybody can access the web so, pornographic pictures are open to all and this maybe influential to the net surfers especially children users.
      -- Ethical Absolutism
             People do whatever they think because there is no rigid factors in evaluating actions. So, about the issue I've given, pornographic pictures were posted its because people are free to post it whether it is good or bad to others point of view and there is no consistent ethical standard to be followed,
       -- Ethical Egoism, and Ethical Altruism
                     What might people prevented from surfing pornographic pictures on the web is that: others might alleged him that he is a maniac or addicted to it.
                     Pornographic pictures influence the web surfers especially to children and this might add to the rape problems in our country.
   From the three finalist theories:
         -- Ulitarianism
              As a definition, this theory is popularly known as the greatest happiness principle. So, with pornography on the web, well, if those actions can bring people who were surfing or seeing pornographic pictures a happiness then its morally right but there were also people who doesn't like it, so for them its morally wrong.
         -- Categorical Imperatives
               Some people do pornography because of the will that accompanies the act (he/she has a courage to do it) but this will is not good because this may result to a negative or harmful doings.
         -- Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics    
               Based from the concept of this theory, uploading pornographic pictures on the web is not being done for own sake but this is used as instruments for other end like for example as a result of visiting pornographic websites, people became curious or they wanted to see what's the reality which may result for doing crimes specifically rape or sexual harassment. So, it might end up with other problems.

Module 11

  Case 1 
     In this case i think the court agree with the theories previously discussed its because what Whelan Associates does is a form of plagiarism even though it was written in different programming language and Ms. Whelan spent a tremendous amount of time studying Jaslow's Dentalab program still it can be subject to plagiarism of course based from the definition of what a plagiarism is. So, i think the court made the right decision.

  Case 2
    In this case, i can say that there is a possibility that the programmer who wrote the first version of the Altai's program copied some part of the program that he/she did from the Computer Associates, but i can still say that the court agree with the theories being discussed this is because it cannot be considered as a form of plagiarism because it is the ability or knowledge of the programmer and the codes of that program surely came from her/him.

  Case 3
     With this case i think the court also agree with the previously given theories its because every court has a guide in deciding whether the case being filed can be proved by some of their supporting documents or whatever proof they have so in deciding whether the two GUI presentations were virtually identical they have a basis for it they will not just make a guess of deciding it they must come up with a proof.

  Case 4
     The court also agree with the theories because it is obviously a form of plagiarism even though there was no copying of code, but its because Lotus claimed that copying the interface itself constituted copyright infringement and also spreadsheets being produced by the Paperback Software and Mosaic Software that had the same interface as 1-2-3. So, eventhough if the Paperback Software and Mosaic Software did not actually plagiarized the arrangement of commands in the menu hierarchy still it can be considered as plagiarized one because Lotus produced it in 1-2-3 form before them.

Module 12
     Based from the given cases, what constitutes them to a computer crime is that all of them fall under the three major classes of criminal activity with computers which are: (1) unauthorized use of a computer, which might involve stealing a username and password, or might involve accessing the victim's computer via the Internet through a backdoor operated by a Trojan Horse program. (2) creating or releasing a malicious computer program (e.g., computer virus, worm, Trojan Horse). (3) harassment and stalking in cyberspace.(http://www.rbs2.com/ccrime.htm#anchor000001)
In other words they use the computer as a means of doing unnecessary one which may result in destroying others property or it can hurt others feelings.
Module 13
1.  For me, i will favor of the enactment and enforcement of laws that will regulate and control the use of computer technology because even though we are in computer age or we are in modern technology today, we must be responsible for whatever actions we does because like for example, in our society today, all of us are free to access the web even younger ones and it cannot be denied that in accessing the web there were unnecessary informations we can get which may influence to the users in doing bad actions and because of this, it may contribute to the growing crime problems here in our country. So, with the enforcement of the laws, "maybe" this will contribute to lessen our problems because there will be a control in using the computer technology and we must only use it for necessary ways.
2.  If i were to decide about the landmark hacking, i think i agree with what Garcia said that "one of the elements of hacking—unauthorized access—is not present" this is because Maņalac gave her school's computer system together with the password, so she thought she has the right ro use it, moreover Maņalac is the former IT support chief of Thames. From previously discussed non-jural laws,  we have seen an examples of human actions in computing that are compliant to the moral law, one is respect for others privacy and intellectual rights, with regard to this, i think Garcia doesn't violate this its because as i have said earlier Maņalac gave it to her thats why Garcia thought that she is authorized to use it especially if she didn't aware about the case that has been filed by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) against Maņalac .